Configuring trackers for increased autonomy

Increasing the Running Time of GL3xx LTE GPS trackers

For long-lasting sports events such as endurance cycling, it is crucial to extend the autonomy of GL3xx devices. You can significantly increase the running time of your device by minimizing the communication between the device and the server.

Tracker management

The tracker management provides four commands to reduce communication and maximize the autonomy of Quecklink GL3xx LTE trackers. Apply the four commands for optimal autonomy:

  • Deactivate Heartbeat - This command stops the periodic messages between the device and the server. Note: This may reduce the stability of the mobile connection.

  • Deactivate (Device) Events - The device stops sending events such as turning ON, turning OFF, charging, and rebooting. Note: The tracker management receives less information about the current status of the device.

  • Deactivate Server Acknowledge - The device will no longer wait for a response from Racemap server.

  • Disable the periodical Device Info Report

With these settings and a report interval of 5 minutes, it is possible to achieve an autonomy of four days and five hours. The battery decreases from 100% to 20%.

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