Map settings

Set-up geodata for your event eg. tracks, points of interest, transition zone AND parameters such as shadowtrack or splits to process geodata from participants.


A track is a line of multiple points e.g. to show the race course or highlight a transition zone. You can add zero or multiple tracks for each event.

  • upload or drag and drop (GPX, KML, GeoJson),

  • draw a line with the drawing tool ("Add Track").


  • shadowtrack,

  • name and

  • color respectively visibility.


The shadowtrack is a specific track and one track only can be set as shadowtrack of your contest. The shadowtrack enables features and add-ons like elevation profile, statistics, leaderboard, predictive tracking etc. The shadowtrack represents the route on which participants move from start to finish. The length of the shadowtrack has to be the same length as the contest e.g. 42,195 km for a marathon.

  • The shadowtrack for a triathlon includes swimming, cycling and running in one continuous line.

  • If athletes have to run three laps, then the shadowtrack must include three laps.


  • direction,

  • type of sport,

Points of Interest

Points of interest to highlight specific locations in the visualization e.g. water station, start and finish.


  • location,

  • name (or emoji),

  • color and

  • select a predefined icon.

Elevation Profile

The elevation chart corresponds to the shadowtrack.


  • visibility


A split is a specific point of the shadowtrack. Split your shadowtrack into sections depending on

  • leaderboard: the location of the virtual checkpoints and

  • predictive tracking: the type of sport (default speed) AND the locations of your timing systems

Splits for leaderboard

To add a split in the leaderboard you have to activate the "Timekeeping" checkbox.


Splits for predictive tracking​

To improve the prediction for events like triathlons you have to split the shadowtrack into sections for swimming, running, biking, transition area, ... . For every section you can set a type of sport with a default speed corresponding to last year results.

Set geolocation of local timing system:

  • only if timing system doesn't forward its geolocation

  • set split for each timing system with forwarded timekeeping ID., often the MAC-Address of the hardware.

Predictive tracking with reads from race timing

Hardware and Detections

Hardware and detections show the last forwarded detections (transponder ID and timestamp) of race|result timing hardware corresponding to your customer ID. Just add temporary customer IDs in case of rental hardware.

Hardware and Detections for RACE|RESULT timing hardware, only. To use the "Show Hardware"-feature you have to provide your r|r customer ID in your Racemap user profile.


Upload and download your tracks as GPX, KML or GeoJson file.

Last updated


Maps: ©Mapbox ©OpenStreetMap ©Racemap