Keys and passcode

Keys link participants' data with tracking hardware. Using keys, participants seamlessly connect Racemap App for live tracking and upload their recorded activities.

Test the sign-up process with Racemap App for the event "Easy QR Code Run" (passcode 6G615L):

Two options for automatically connecting Racemap App for live tracking in this event:

After sign-up, you can contribute your activities to the activity challenge. Have Fun!

Through keys, you can sell live tracking in the online registration for your event. Merge the participant data (name and race number) with a specific key. Distribute the key with the registration email or as a printed QR code. Keys enable an automated and highly convenient sign-up process for live tracking.

QR code

To automatically generate QR codes corresponding to specific keys, you can utilize this route:

Replace YYYYYY in the URL with the keys for which you want to generate the QR code. For instance, to generate the QR code for passcode 6G615L of the above sample event "Easy QR Code Run", you use the following URL:

Properties of keys and the passcode

  • Assigned to ONE specific event,

  • Can't be used for a different event,

  • Six characters, upper or lower case is irrelevant.

  • Each with a specific landing page URL:


Usage for the event

Multiple keys for one event

One passcode for one event

Usage by participants

Personalized: each participant uses a different key

Each participant uses the same passcode for one event

Merge with participant data

Match participant's name & race number with a specific key eg. in registration platform

No match with individual participant data possible

Assign location data during the event - Total activity

Accumulate multiple activities with Racemap App

Accumulate multiple activities with Racemap App

Assign location data - Sum-up activities

With Racemap App and upload recorded activities

With Racemap App, only

Read more about the synchronization of participant data with a Racemap event:

Import participant data

Learn more about keys to upload recorded activities from fitness trackers such as Garmin and Polar:

Activity upload

Connect Racemap App for live tracking

Participants require a key respectively the passcode to connect Racemap App (or a custom app) for live tracking in a specific event. There are three options for participants redeem their key in the app:

  • Scan QR code.

  • Press the key link

  • Manually redeem the key in the search field of Racemap App.

Information about deep links to directly call functions in Racemap App (or a custom app):

Deep links on tracking app

The key link provides a seamless user flow to connect the participants' phones for live tracking. The convenient user experience scales with a huge number of participants and saves support time. The process dynamically guides participants independent from

  • The user's phone is iOS or Android.

  • Racemap App is installed or not installed.

  • The participant opens the key link on the smartphone or on the desktop.

The key link forwards to the AppStore or to GooglePlay to install the tracking app.

Redeem key or passcode, manually

Redeem a key respectively the passcode in the search field of Racemap App.

Last updated


Maps: ©Mapbox ©OpenStreetMap ©Racemap