Apply predictive tracking with detections from TrackBoxes, decoders, and with loop boxes.

All about live tracking in RACE|RESULT knowledge base:

Settings in RACE|RESULT

  • Create your event with required contests in your RACE|RESULT account.

  • Set simple API to synchronize participants with Racemap.


Tracking channel

Active transponders have to use the same tracking channel as TrackBoxes. Set up with management box, default configuration: channel 1 should be different from channel for timing.

TrackBox settings

Set up your TrackBoxes for live tracking in Racemap: Timing » Systems » TrackBox Configuration Rules

New rule:

  • Channel ID: using track boxes for live tracking requires a different channel than for timing system

  • Tracking Partner: “Racemap”

Loop box settings

Loop box detections are forwarded with the device ID of the connected decoder. That means, Racemap has no information, if the detection is received from loop box or decoder.

  • Store mode: Detections are forwarded with delay and can not be used for live visualization, but for the replay of the contest.

  • Repeat mode: Detections are forwarded directly and can be used for live visualization.

Loop box detections are forwarded through the exporters with the coordinates of the

  • decoder OR

  • specific timing point

    Use the automatic timing point assignment rules for these detections (based on loop ID and channel ID), if loop and channel ID have been manually defined in Main Window » Timing Points

Forward data

Settings in Timing » Exporter + Tracking to send data from systems different from TrackBoxes - decoder, loop box, USB timing box. Select all timing points. Set tracking partner "Racemap", enter RACE|RESULT customer ID.

To start forwarding click green play button (Timing » Systems » Exporters + Tracking) and each reader forwards a box ping every 4 min. That way your systems are visualized in Racemap Map » Hardware and Detections.

Race simulation

Run a Race Simulation in RACE|RESULT, forward the reads from the simulation to your prediction in Racemap and keep dots moving in real-time.

Timestamps: Running a live visualization requires that the settings in RACE|RESULT fit the NOW time (event date, timezone, T0). Common mistake: running a simulation with the date of the upcoming event generates reads with a future timestamp that can not be processed in a live visualization.

Locations: The timing points in RACE|RESULT need to be configured with coordinates close to the shadowtrack of the Racemap event, as the prediction processes the location of the reads.

During the Race Simulation RACE|RESULT does not forward a specific readerID. That means Racemap receives reads from all simulated timing points with the same readerID, but with corresponding coordinates. In Racemap this scenario looks as if the RaceSim reader jumps along the shadowtrack.

If you repeatedly simulate a race in RACE|RESULT and combine it with predictive tracking in Racemap, the transponder codes may be "corrupted" with speed- and location data from previous predictions and unrealistically affect your ongoing Race Simu. You can prevent this issue by changing transponder codes for every Race Simu e.g. 1st Race Simu - 1 to 99, 2nd Race Simu - 100 to 199, and so on.

Last updated


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