Wiclax is a race scoring and timing software to manage events. Wiclax has integrated RACEMAP times API to import passings at virtual splits (geofences) and current API to display the live location.
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Wiclax is a race scoring and timing software to manage events. Wiclax has integrated RACEMAP times API to import passings at virtual splits (geofences) and current API to display the live location.
Last updated
More about Wiclax on the homepage: https://www.wiclax.com/.
This section provides a step-by-step guide to using RACEMAP GPS data in Wiclax.
Go to "Results - Classifications" Tab >> "Acquisitions" (same menu to connect a timing system)
In the new window: Select "Online passings" >> "RACEMAP Cloud"
New line on the left side is created. RACEMAP cloud can be connected multiple times e.g. to call several eventIds or to mix a RACEMAP eventId, and others to connect timing points from RACE RESULT systems.
Insert the RACEMAP eventId(s).
Click "Rewind" button to initially call the API. Wiclax reads all splits from RACEMAP API. Wiclax shows this window:
Wiclax reads the data in the API, including the names of the splits shown in "Source" column.
Match RACEMAP splits names with names of timing points into Wiclax. By default, Wiclax provides start and finish. Add all needed splits the same way as you do with any timing system.
Select the "offset". As Wiclax works in local time and RACEMAP provides times in UTC format the time difference needs to be provided.
Click "play" button to launch the acquisition (by default every 60 seconds). The frequency can be changed in "Read frequency" field.
Select "cross again timeout in seconds". For example, in a loop race this option ignores a new detection before XX seconds. If there is a large radius at a geofence you can set a time to ignore too close coordinates.
Once you match a RACEMAP split to a Wiclax timing point, you can set it as "backup line". For example, if you have timing chip and GPS devices. In that case, timing provided by RACEMAP is used as a backup in case there is no time from the timing system.
Select in the right part to import data only of the day, from XX to YY.
Click on the green button.
A new window opens.
Select Map
Enable the checkbox "GPS Tracking > Event managed on a geo-tracking platform".
Select RACEMAP in the drop-down.
Paste the RACEMAP eventId in below field.
In the race column, there are the different races of the Wiclax file (eg 5K/10K/Marathon). It is possible to use one RACEMAP eventId several times for different Wiclax races.
Use the checkbox "Detailed data" to request ranks API to display the moving time by default. You only have the location of the athletes and their current speed.
Sample: https://pyreneeschrono.fr/resultats/resultats-grand-8-des-pyrenees-by-oxygers-2023/
There is no replay feature, the map always shows the live location.
If you zoom in, you will see the green dot = the athletes. In live, inside the label, you will have also their speed here. The webpage is auto refresh each 2 minutes. All other data (except the location of the green dots) are provided by Wiclax. So it's not the GPX from Racemap which is displayed here